Your question provokes us to focus on a major factor inhibiting the growth
of e-gold - that there's no common way now to put money into an account fast
(as in a matter of minutes instead of hours or more likely, days and weeks).
An ironic situation, considering that e-gold is destined for greatness as
the currency of the internet.
Again the point --- it's no surprise or horror that it is somewhat
DIFFICULT to get e-gold, to fund e-gold .... it's for exactly the
 same reason that you can't instantly fund a stock broking account.

What is required is a realtime fiat currency account link through a bank to
an e-gold account through an interface.  So that directly you place funds
into that bank account it is immediately transferred into your gold account.

But where would you find a such a bank?  Perhaps one could be purchased in
the Carribean by an enterprising fellow or consortium with outstanding
confidence in the future of e-gold.

You could set up your account so only a portion or any amount you dictate
can be put in through a cash card linked to your account  and then
transferred to your gold account.  The variations are endless.

The only group coming anywhere near to this is Standard Reserve,  but
without the bank.  Getting funds out with your debit card is fine  but what
about putting them in?  We still have a ways to go.

Kind regards,

Michael Moore
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