At 10:12 AM -0500 2/5/01, George Matyjewicz wrote:
>The US mint introduced the dollar coin with much fan fare - 
>support women, support your country, yada, yada, yada.  What they 
>failed to realize is that cash registers have a certain number of 
>slots for coins and dollars - the penny, nickel, dime, quarter 
>and half dollar (and $1, $5, $10, $20 and other for bills).  So, 
>while the silver dollar sounded good, merchants (and banks) 
>didn't like them and consumers didn't like the extra weight in 
>their pockets.
>A lesson for everybody.  Ideas sound good, but you better think 
>them out completely.

Depends on what *variety* of Sacagawea dollar coin, too.  ;^)  

Check out that e-gold discount for winning bids! Anyway, I
think the golden dollar coin may have been partially a result
of lobbying from vending machine interests, and they get a
bit of use in Miami (& other cities I'm sure) as subway token
substitutes, so the coin is not a *complete* failure.
(Really hoping to find some time for chess this evening!)

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