David Hillary wrote:
> Bob wrote:

> > Hey hey hey! What's the matter with plain 'ol voluntary taxation? <grin>
> Well I don't think it would be paid, hell I wouldn't pay! <grin>
> Taxation should be on land value and at the local level in my view, with
> the rent of land being a good proxy for the benefits provided by
> government.

In the US, state government monopolized gambling is an example of 
voluntary taxation. In Massachusetts, for an extra USD 20.00 you can
get a whale's tail, or a light house or a stick figure of a child on
your license plate for your car. Tariffs on imports. If they increase
tariffs too much, people will buy more domestic products. A market
mechanism for limiting the size of government. Voluntary taxation is
not new. It's been done before. But it's probably conveniently 
forgotten to be taught in US Universities now that almost all depend
to some extent on taxpayers property. It's not nice to bite the hand
that feeds you.

"Elizabeth I        Queen of England (reigned 1558 - 1603). 
When she ascended to the throne, Elizabeth inherited numerous debts.
Her genius was in the method she chose to raise revenue to pay those 
debts, which was unique in tax policy: she made taxation voluntary! 
Her words: "To tax and to be loved is not given to man. I will end
as I began with my subjects, with love." Within 15 years she had a 
surplus, and was loved deeply."  
-   from Victor Sperandeo's dedication of his book 
'Trader Vic II - Principles of Professional Speculation'

> > You got that right. And that ain't economic freedom. For that try
> > Shainghia, Guangdong, Shenzhen and Hong Kong. There's a lot of
> > political power in those places. Concentrations of wealth tend to
> > produce that type of thing. So watch the world's wealth movement.
> Shainghia, Guangdong, Shenzhen? where are they?

China. They are those free trade zones along the coast started 
several decades ago. And they haven't got fat, lazy and complacent yet.


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