>Bob wrote:
>> > 68,459 funded accounts divided by 9111 spends/day equals
>> > about 8 days to be exposed to some large percentage of the spenders.
>> Even if funded accounts doubled, spends/day might double so that
>> you still only need about the same number days (8 or 9) of advertising
>> to communicate to the same large percentage of the spenders.
>365 days/year divided by 8.5 days equals 43 exposure periods/year.
>I suppose that after there are *more than* 40-45 e-gold accepting
>businesses that advertise on this page (just pretending here),
>competitive bidding starts. Unless there is more than one server

An excellent analysis guys!

Banana will pay 200 grams to run this banner


in the 31 days of March, midnite to midnite.


Does anyone have a gutsier bid than 200 grams?


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