> Well, there's still these book makers in town doing a *big* business.
> There's The Gold Casino on line. There are gambling options besides
> the government of Massachusetts' games. 

Yes, but Massachusetts excludes competition IN Massachusetts for the
type of gambling it offers.  This is a coercive monopoly.
> No body is being threatened with violence for not playing a
> government game.

People are threatened with violence if they complete with the
government games by offering the same kind of game in the same 

> Same goes for whale tails on your license plate. 

People are forced to have the plates.  And other people are threatened
with violence if they make and sell license plates (whether or not
they have whale tails on them).

> Same goes for importing. The government would not be
> threatening somebody for not importing. Importing would be
> a voluntary act.

People are threatened with violence if they do what they have a 
right to do (import) and don't pay the duties.  You might as well
say that the income tax is voluntary because the government does
not force people to earn an income.

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