> ... NOW -- what does the actual LAND question have to do 
> with that?  In fact -- nothing.  All of the above could proceed with 
> NO INVOLVEMENT with real estate.

You are right: the issue of "land" is largely a red herring.  The
problem is not really land but people's minds: a lack of 
understanding of the concept of property.  

Most people today cannot comprehend (let alone justify) the concept 
of property of any sort and conumdrums about land are proxy for 
that lack of understanding.  [See Tom Bethell's book _The Noblest 
Triumph_ which you can get thru Banana.  ;)]  

There is also a small more intellectually serious group who have
a good understanding of economics and property rights generally
but sincerely believe that Real Estate poses a special conceptual 
problem.  They 1) do not understand how there can be any natural
justification for property in land, 2) realize that property in
land (or fisheries or whatever) is nevertheless economically 
necessary and 3) believe, therefore, that a necessary function 
of government is to arbitrarily create real property titles by 
fiat to solve the "problem".  These people (followers of Henry 
George) usually advocate that government be conveniently financed 
by the expropriation of all land rent since they believe that the 
government created the property in the first place.



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