CCS; your writings to date are enjoyable to me.  You seem to have a sound
understanding of classical economics.

By the by, someone on PBS radio recently quotes the Club of Rome, '70's book
entitled "Limits to Growth' as if it had not been refuted completely and
absolutely by Julian Simons and other Austrian Economists of recent years.

These discussions of voluntary taxation---an oxymoron term, when enforcde
via the gun---have recently debated property tax and then some.  I hope that
you have read Mises on Socialism and his classic treatise entitled Human

Skipping around, I noted that here in Colorado, when you buy land, that the
rights to any and all mineral rights, use or exploration are reserved to the
government!  You are only 'leasing' the surface itself and if any valuable
resources are found by you or others, you are ---via eminent domain---SOL!

Property taxation.  An insidious creature of the collective uncoonscious
that steals individual property at the very limits of slavery.  One can not
even retire to their own land and live quietly, becasue without the payment
of the property tax, you are evicted!

Anyway, thanks for your writings, CCS

Subject: Re: voluntary taxation
Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2001 18:04:25 -0500
X-Message-Number: 34

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