>But that issue, and no other issue, is going to mean anything unless 

>e-gold addresses the "immediate issue", that there simply is no egold 

>commerical universe.


  I completely agree with JP here... In my opinion, part of the problem is that e-gold 
has no defined niche of where it belongs.  It seems to be uncertain of its own market. 
 They want to try to be every thing to every body.  All, with may I add, no marketing 
what so ever.  Something with they seem to be very proud of.

  So far the only niche e-gold has is among Gold Bugs, individuals concerned with 
"offshore" activities,  People who think that the dollar is going to crash and the 
world is going to come to an end, and the "scam scam scam scam scam scam".  Unless 
e-gold does some marketing like a real company, nothing is going to change.

  If Napster can be brought to close to shutting down because the are an avenue for 
people to trade intellectural property.  e-gold can pretty much be brought to the same 
stage because they are an avenue for people to scam others.  However,  If I must add 
my two cents here, without a market there is no business.  It seems to me that a 
majority of the e-gold market is the so called "Scam Sites."  Dare I say that without 
the scams there would be no e-gold.

   Khurram Khan

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