My account number is 255857
My passphrase is gold9amg

I'd appreciate if someone could login to my account to check if it works.

I don't have money in my account yet, that's why I'm giving away the
passphrase. If I ever can login, I'll change it.

Every time I try to login, after ages of waiting I get this message:

"The e-gold system is unable to process your request at this time,
please try again in a few minutes."

I didn't leave Caps-Lock on, my passphrase IS CORRECT (I wrote it at the
time I signed up) and I'm not a hacker trying to steal from anywhere, I

My complaint is with the lousy e-gold customer service. I wrote to
[EMAIL PROTECTED], referencing my e-gold account number in the
subject, but I had no answer.

Why don't they use this system?: If you forget your password, you just
submit a form where you enter your account number, then a message with the
passphrase is sent to the e-mail address in the account.

I lost time signing up for a service that doesn't work and I don't even
get a response. Now the only thing I need is someone from the e-gold
service telling me to go to hell and I make my day. Seems they have enough
members and they can easily get rid of someone. I hope I'm wrong with
this, but I'm really angry.

If someone helps me, thank you very much.


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