Once, there was nothing you could do with e-gold.

Nowhere to spend it.

Then came amazon.com, where you can buy vast numbers of books and 
almost any other consumer product.

But, amazon.com doesn't accept e-gold!

But then two computer programmers using evil black magic powers found 
on the 5th level of hell programmed the BANANABOT .. an amazing 
system which lets you SPEND e-gold AT AMAZON.COM!

Verily, many users of e-gold went unto


and BOUGHT STUFF FROM AMAZON, PAYING WITH e-gold!!!  And it was good!

Now YOU can buy anything from amazon using your e-gold.  Just click 
here http://bananagold.com

If you have a PHOTO OF THE e-gold STICKER ON YOUR CAR, anywhere in 
the world, send the image to me and bananagold will send a GRAM OF 
GOLD to the first five people who respond within 5 days!



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