
James Turk describes some of the history and rationale behind the
goldmoney patents in a
Wed, 1 Mar 2000 post to the cypherpunks mailing list
Subject: CDR: Circulating Gold as Currency

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A quote from Turk's post:

"...Because I recognized in the late 1980's that I was still early in my

thinking, I set about researching how best to protect the solution I
developed.  In 1990 I started studying patent law to see whether I could

secure the idea, with a view to turning it into a business when the
technology was ready.  In 1992 I hired a patent attorney, and filed the
first application in February 1993.  Even back then the Internet was
more a vision than a reality, but it seemed that we were getting close
the technology I required...."

To my knowledge, Mr. Turk has received two digital gold-related patents:

Method and system for commodity-based currency for payment of accounts
and elimination of payment risk
(issued September 23, 1997;  a Continuation-In-Part of application Ser.
No. 08/015,588, filed Feb. 10, 1993; abandoned Jun. 6, 1995.)


A system and method for permitting gold or other commodities to
circulate as currency requires a network of system users that
participate in financial transactions where payment is made in units of
gold. The gold is kept in secure storage at a deposit site for the
benefit of the users. The payments in gold are effected through a
computer system having data storage and transaction processing
programs that credit or debit the units of account of gold held for the
account of each system user.

Electronic cash eliminating payment risk.
(issued November 9, 1999;  a continuation in part of application Ser.
No. 08/465,430, filed Jun. 5, 1995 now Pat. No. 5,671,364; which is a
continuation in part of application Ser. No. 08/015,588, filed Feb. 10,
1993, now abandoned. )


A system and method to allow gold to circulate as digital cash through
the global computer network (Internet) and/or private communication
networks much like cash currently circulates in the physical world. A
computer system (emint) will create digital representations of gold
(ecoins). Each ecoin will represent a weight of gold held at a
participating secure storage facility (storage site), and each ecoin
is given by the emint a unique Digital Hallmark.TM. by which it can be
distinguished and identified. The sum total of all circulating ecoins
(denominated in physical measures such as weights such as grams and/or
ounces and fractions thereof) will equal the weight of all the gold
held for safekeeping at the storage site(s) for the users of the
emint. The ownership of gold is not transferred by a computer system
executing debits and credits between individual accounts, but instead
by individuals directly transferring ecoins amongst themselves (as is
done in cash transactions, i.e., without double-entry bookkeeping).

NOTE****I'm not an attorney, this is not legal advice, consult your own

Based on my reading of Turk's patent # 5,671,364, it  appears to cover
e-gold's system.  Given the original filing date of the parent patent,
it also appears that goldmoney could theoretically sue e-gold for patent
infringement.  Whether or not goldmoney will choose to sue, and whether
it would be to their benefit to do so, I don't know.

Use e-gold?  Send me two cents:
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