>From the GATA  Discussion Board
James Turk to speak at GATA Africa Gold Summit

By Bill Murphy, Chairman
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.
March 10, 2001

The Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee is pleased
to announce that James Turk will be one of the
speakers at the GATA Africa Gold Summit in
Durban, South Africa, on May 10, 2001.

The summit will be held at the Durban Hilton
Hotel and the Durban Conference Center. 

James joins Reg Howe, Frank Veneroso, and me
as speakers. Announcements will be made in the
near future about other speakers. 

In 10 days invitations will go out to African
mining ministers, gold producers, South African
political, business, and mining union leaders, and
the world press. 

The summit's agenda will be to expose the
manipulation of the gold market and to offer an
action plan to end it.

James Turk's "Smoking Gun" essay was included
in the material I distributed during my journey
through South Africa last month. It also was sent
to Lawrence Lindsey, economic adviser to
President Bush. It may be what prompted
Lindsey's response to GATA.

James Turk is the managing director and founder
of GoldMoney.com, an electronic currency used
in ecommerce, which is the result of U.S. patents
awarded to him in September 1997 and June 1999. 
He has specialized in international banking,
finance, and investments since graduating in 1969
from George Washington University with a B.A.
degree in international economics.  

He began his business career with Chase
Manhattan Bank (now J.P. Morgan Chase) and
had assignments in Thailand, the Philippines,  
and Hong Kong. In 1980 he joined RTB Inc., the
private investment and trading company of a
prominent precious metals trader.

He moved to the United Arab Emirates in
December 1983 to be manager of the 
commodities department of the Abu Dhabi
Investment Authority. In this position he was
responsible for developing and implementing the
investment strategies for the authority's portfolio
of precious metals.  

Since resigning that position in March 1987, he
has been chief executive of Greenfield Associates,
a firm he established in 1985 to publish his work
and to provide investment research and trading

James is the author of "The Illusions of
Prosperity" (1985), "Social Security: Lies, Myths
and Reality" (1992), and several monographs on 
money and banking. He writes The Freemarket
Gold & Money Report, an investment newsletter
he began in 1987.



Kind regards,

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