>From Bruce Schneier's CRYPTO-GRAM:

** *** ***** ******* *********** *************

         The Security Patch Treadmill

        "Well, in our country," said Alice, panting a little,
        "you'd generally get somewhere else -- if you ran very
        fast for a long time, as we've been doing."
        "A slow sort of country!" said the Queen. "Now here,
        you see, it takes all the running you can do, to keep
        in the same place."
           --Through the Looking Glass, by Lewis Carroll.

Last week, the FBI announced that over the past year, several groups of 
Eastern European hackers had broken into at least 40 companies'
stolen credit card numbers, and in some cases tried to extort money from 
theeir victims.  The network vulnerabilities exploited by these
were known, and patches that closed them were available -- but none of
companies had installed them.  In January 2001, the Ramen worm targeted 
known vulnerabilities in several versions of Red Hat Linux.  None of the 
thousands of infected systems had their patches up to date.  In October 
2000, Microsoft was molested by unknown hackers who wandered
through their network, accessing intellectual property, for weeks or 
months.  According to reports, the attackers would not have been able to 
break in if Microsoft patches had been up to date.  The series of 
high-profile credit card thefts in January 2000, including the CD
incident, were also the result of uninstalled patches.  A patch issued 
eighteen months previously would have protected these companies.

What's going on here?  Isn't anyone installing security patches 
anymore?  Doesn't anyone care?

What's going on is that there are just too damn many patches.  It's
impossible to keep up.  I get weekly summaries of new vulnerabilities
patches.  One alert service listed 19 new patches in a variety of
in the first week of March 2001. That was an average week.  Some of the 
listings affected my network, and many of them did not. Microsoft
had over a dozen security patches in the year 2000.  I don't know how
average user can possibly install them all; he'd never get anything else

Security professionals are quick to blame system administrators who
install every patch.  "They should have updated their systems; it's
own fault when they get hacked."  This is beginning to feel a lot like 
blaming the victim.  "He should have known not to walk down that
street; it's his own fault he was mugged."  "She should never have
that provocatively; it's her own fault she was attacked."  Perhaps such 
precautions should have been taken, but the real blame lies elsewhere.

Those who manage computer networks are people too, and people don't
do the smartest thing.  They know they're supposed to install all 
patches.  But sometimes they can't take critical systems 
off-line.  Sometimes they don't have the staffing available to patch
system on their network.  Sometimes applying a patch breaks something
on their network. I think it's time the industry realized that expecting 
the patch process to improve network security just doesn't work.

Security based on patches is inherently fragile.  Any large network is 
going to have hundreds of vulnerabilities.  If there's a vulnerability
your system, you can be attacked successfully and there's nothing you
do about it.  Even if you manage to install every patch you know about, 
what about the vulnerabilities that haven't been patched yet?  (That
alert service listed 10  new vulnerabilities for which there is no 
defense.)  Or the  vulnerabilities discovered but not reported yet?  Or
ones still undiscovered?

Good security is resilient.  It's resilient to user errors.  It's
to network changes.  And it's resilient to administrators not installing 
every patch.  For the past two years I have been championing monitoring
a way to provide this resilient security.  If there are enough motion 
sensors, electric eyes, and pressure plates in your house, you'll catch
burglar regardless of how he got in.  If you are monitoring your network 
carefully enough, you'll catch a hacker regardless of what vulnerability
exploited to gain access.  Monitoring makes a network less dependent on 
keeping patches up to date; it's a process that provides security even
the face of ever-present vulnerabilities, uninstalled patches, and 
imperfect products.

In a perfect world, systems would rarely need security patches.  The few 
patches they did need would automatically download, be easy to install,
always work.  But we don't live in a perfect world.  Network
are busy people, and networks are constantly changing.  Vigilant
does not "solve" computer security, but it is a much more realistic way
providing resilient security.

The Ramen worm:

Security patches aren't being applied:
Best quote:  "Failing to responsibly patch computers led to 99 percent
the 5,823 Web site defacements last year, up 56 percent from the 3,746
sites defaced in 1999, according to security group Attrition.org."  I'm
sure how they know, but is scary nonetheless.

The Eastern European credit card hackers:

Many networks have not patched BIND after January's vulnerabilities were 

The Microsoft attack:

Patch your apps:

Author's note:  Every time I write an essay that speaks favorably about 
Counterpane, I get e-mails from people accusing me of advertising.  I 
disagree, and I'd like to explain.  Much of my current thinking about 
computer security stemmed from years of consulting.  I watched as
after product failed in the field, and I tried to figure out why.  My 
conclusions are largely chronicled in my book _Secrets and Lies_, and
reflected in the business model of Counterpane Internet Security, Inc. 
don't extol the virtues of monitoring because that's what Counterpane
Counterpane provides Managed Security Monitoring because I believe it is 
the future of security.  I see monitoring as a way to achieve security
in a 
world where the products are hopelessly broken.  Over the next several 
months I will publish more essays on security, and monitoring is
in many of them.  I'm not shilling Counterpane; it's just where my

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