It's funny how every new gold currency company on the block touts themselves as revolutionizing global commerce by providing instantly-clearing currency transactions.  This claim of having something new and earthshaking is made by Standard Reserve, GoldMoney, and Pecunix, to name three. 
But really, anybody with a database and a web-server can do that.  All you have to do to do international transfers of value is get everyone to sign up on OUR system!
It's funny that the companies that make this claim to be the first, weren't.  E-gold beat them to it.  The existence of these new companies DOES bring up the point that e-gold needs competition for its own good.  Competition will force e-gold to provide even better services to stay number one.  The gold currency market will be much stronger if there are a number of companies with a stake in it.
But this brings up a problem.  The more digital currencies that come on the market, the more fragmented the market will become.  Merchants are not going to put multiple shopping carts on their web sites.
The gold currency companies need to get together and come up with a system that allows one shopping cart to work for all the digital currencies.  There is a system that would allow this.  It is Vince Cate's SAXAS software.  (The same software that Vince and Sean were arguing about the patents to last week.)
No one wants to tie their company down to a proprietary software system like that either, though.  We need a working group to form an API so that third party vendors, like Vince Cates, could create software to fit the specs.  It would work the same way as HTML and browser companies.  Anyone could make a financial transaction software that would meet the requirements of the API.  This way we all have a choice.
The gold currency companies need to realize that they would all benefit by doing this, even e-gold.  Here's why:  In a fragmented market, say of 500,000 users, e-gold might have 250,000 users, GoldMoney 40,000, Standard Reserve 50,000 and so on.   Each currency is limited by this to its own niche market.
By creating a system that allows all of these currencies to be compatible with each other all of the currencies now have a market of 500,000 and the users now have a selection of currencies.  More choices give more freedom to the users.  A larger market gives each currency provider a better opportunity to carve out a market niche.  Everyone benefits.
Of course, the largest currency provider, e-gold, has the least to gain from this; and the smallest new guys on the block, like Pecunix or GoldMoney gain the most.  But the additional credibility that this type of market would lend to digital gold currencies would bolster consumer confidence and help to entice more merchants to switch over to gold currency.  So even e-gold, the market leader, stands to benefit significantly and will get more business from this kind of arrangement.
Any thoughts?

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