
This wildly inaccurate article headline is misleading and inaccurate  as
e-gold Ltd has not been raided by anyone.  Gold Age,  a Service Provider was
raided.  The service provider in question had previously  been the victim of
several thousand dollars worth of credit card fraud so naturally the Secret
Service raided the victim not the criminals and stole his equipment and
hounded him for eight hours with no charges pressed.  He is now free and
left to pick up the pieces.

Your headline is tantamount to saying  NASDAQ  was raided whereas in fact it
was a
broker who was raided.  Such inaccurate and slip shod reporting only serves
to point out
the futility of using WIRED as an informative source of accurate information
and perhaps one should be turning to more accurate publications in future.

e-gold is the world first electronic currency employing gold as money.  In
fact it is more secure than fiat currency and also somewhat cheaper to
use.  Account holders with e-gold know their funds are backed by 100%
solid gold.

There is over a ton of sold gold being transacted within the e-gold accounts
and service providers  provide the interface between e-gold and similar
ecommerce currencies and the public.

In future I would recommend you check your facts if you wish to retain
credibility in your reporting and not be viewed as just another poor quality

Kind regards,

Michael J Moore
Moore Trade & Export
ABN 41 082 497 251
4 Chestnut Street
Carnegie  Vic   3163
+61 3 9560 4110

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