At 3:54 PM -0500 on 4/5/01, Scout Project wrote:

> 1.  _Statistics on Payment Systems in the Group of Ten countries_ [.pdf]
> Recently published by the Bank of International Settlements,
> _Statistics on Payment Systems in the Group of Ten countries_ offers
> financial data on countries including the United States, Sweden,
> Japan, and Italy. There are fifteen tables for each country, such as
> "Settlement media used by non-banks," "Banknotes and coin," "Number
> of payment cards in circulation," and "Indicators of use of various
> cashless payment instruments: value of transactions." Comparative
> tables include "Notes and coins in circulation," "Transferable
> deposits held by non-banks," and "Institutional framework." All data
> cover 1995-1999. [EM]

R. A. Hettinga <mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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[predicting the end of the world] has not been found agreeable to
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