If the LP took egold for ther donations, I think they would get money 
faster.  To everyon on the egold list:  email the LP and ask them 
why they don't take the Libertarian egold currencies.


------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
Date:          Fri, 13 Apr 2001 21:42:50 -0400 (EDT)
To:            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject:       URGENT! Tax Day Deadline!
From:          Libertarian Party Announcements <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Reply-to:      [EMAIL PROTECTED]


Dear friend:

In less than 72 hours, we will run out of money for our Internet
banner ad project.

If I don't send a check for $5,000 to our Internet ad agency on
Monday, April 16th, our hard-hitting IRS/Armed Robbery ads
will start to VANISH from the Internet.

It couldn't happen at a worse time!

April 16th is Tax Day.

* It's the beginning of the week when Americans are most angry
about their high taxes.

* It's the week when Americans are most receptive to our
Libertarian message.

* It's the week when Americans are most likely to visit our
site -- and discover that we're the ONE party that will end
the income tax and abolish the hated IRS.

But unless we raise $5,000 by Monday at noon, our banner
ads will start to vanish. This opportunity will be lost.

If that happens, pro-tax Republican and Democrats will be
able to breathe easy. IRS bureaucrats will be able to gloat
about their job security. And the income tax will be safe.

Your contribution RIGHT NOW can keep our banner ads up
and running.

Your contribution RIGHT NOW can keep our banner ad
experiment alive.

We've already learned a lot from the campaign's first week:

* We learned that one particular banner ad can DOUBLE our
response rate on the Libertarian-friendly WorldNetDaily.com

* We've learned that people who respond to our Drug War
banner ad are TWICE as likely to immediately join the
Libertarian Party.

We need to start applying these lessons -- so we can boost
our response rates even more.

And there'll NEVER be a better time to do it than April 16th,
and the rest of Tax Week.

It's up to you:

Do we keep running our banner ads during this one unique,
valuable week when people are MOST receptive?

Or do our banner ads VANISH from the Internet?

Your contribution of $100 will keep the ads alive.

If you don't have $100, then $50 would help. Even $25.

But we need it right now.

On Monday morning, we'll see how much money has been
contributed. If we've reached $5,000, I write the check
at noon -- and keep the banner ads alive.

Here's what you can do: Visit...


There's a place there to make an immediate credit card donation.

If you haven't seen the banner ads yet, you can do so there. I
think you'll love them.

Or, you can print out the form at the end of this message, and mail
it to us it with a check.

But if you do, please send me an email message so I know it's
coming (and we can count it towards the $5,000). My email address

Remember, there will NEVER be a better time for our banner ads to
be effective and than April 16th and the rest of Tax Week!

Thank you,

Steve Dasbach
National Director

PS: Please, don't count on someone else making a contribution to
keep the banner ads experiment going.

That "someone else" may not come through.

If you want this project  to succeed, YOU must step forward.
That's what responsibility is all about.

Just visit http://www.lp.org/action/banners/vote0052.html
right now! Make your best contribution.

If you can do that, we'll keep our banner ads running through
Tax Week.

But please act fast -- we have less than 72 hours!

HERE'S THE CONTRIBUTION FORM: Please print out the form
below on your computer printer, fill it in, and enclose it
with your check.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


[ ] 5000 [ ] $1000 [ ] $500 [ ] $250 [ ] $100 [ ] $50 [ ] $25
[ ] Other $________


Contributions to political committees are not tax-deductible.

Please make your check payable to "Libertarian Party" or
provide the following information for credit card payment:

  [ ] Mastercard [ ] Visa [ ] Discover [ ] American Express

  Card number________________________ Expires____________




  City_________________________ State____ Zip____________





Government Mandated Notices:

The Federal Election Commission requires political committees to report
the name, mailing address, and occupation and name of employer for each
individual whose contributions aggregate in excess of $200 in a
calendar year. The IRS requires us to print "contributions are not tax-
deductible" on all fundraising appeals.


 E-mail Response
 Libertarian Party
 2600 Virginia Avenue NW/Suite 100
 Washington, DC 20037

Version: 2.6.2


The Libertarian Party                                http://www.lp.org/
2600 Virginia Ave. NW, Suite 100                    voice: 202-333-0008
Washington DC 20037                                   fax: 202-333-0072
For subscription changes, please use the WWW form at: 
Alternatively, you may also send a message to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
with just the word "subscribe" or "unsubscribe" in the subject line.

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