> > Greed - the desire to improve one's situation - is not a failing; it
> > is a virtue.
> True. As craig said, we don't have the proper words to describe the good
> form of greed vs. the common connotation of greed. Well, we do have the
> word 'avarice'.

There are plenty of proper words in the English language to describe
the qualities that the common culture falsely associates with greed.

larceny, mendacity, looting, victimizing, blood-sucking, ad infinitum

The reason that the common culture identifies such qualities with the
desire to advance one's life is that it falsely believes that such
means are necessary to selfish ends when the truth is that they are     
incompatible with true selfishness.
> > No, that is not why there is government intervention.  That is only
> > an excuse.  Governments intervene because those who have the power
> > consider it to their advantage to do so. 
> Yeah. I wasn't saying we needed government intervention. I said that 
> is why we had it.

Yes I understood that was what you were saying.  And I said that was
NOT why we had it; that that is only an excuse made up to rationalize
after the fact something the powerful decide to do for other
reasons (it gives them more power).  [Just because a politician 
says he is going to take your savings to feed the widows and orphans 
does not mean that is the real reason he does it.]  


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