On 16 Apr 2001, at 11:18, Bob wrote:

> Let's assume your definition is correct. What then is currency?


Here is something interesting on Money and Currency

What Is Electronic Money?
Electronic money, as it is often referred to, is essentially a payment or transfer of funds that is initiated and processed electronically within current interbank payment systems. Given the recent proliferation of computers, modems and modern telecommunication links, the market for electronic money products has grown immensely. Electronic money is the digital representation of money, or more accurately, the digital representation of currency. It must be noted that the words money and currency, although used interchangeably and often synonymously, do in fact mean different things. "Money" is simply a means of communicating value, while "currency" is the physical manifestation of money — currency gives money visible form.
Although the term "electronic" currency is usually used in expressing the movement of currency through computer networks, "digital" currency is the more precise term, distinguishing it from "analog" electronic currency, which is theoretically possible to create. I will use electronic when referring to currency's historic development up to the present, whereas digital will refer to currency in the future.


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