> > My understanding is that there were some very specific laws past after
> > the Great Depression about either the amount and or what form of gold
> > can be held by US citizens. I have also be lead to believe that in
> > certain forms it can not be confiscated by the US Government.

It's not possible to prove a negative. If there are ANY laws regulating the
purchase and sale of gold in the US, I, too, would like to know about them.
It's hard to imagine that there are any, since every pawn shop, on every
corner, buys and sells gold.

I think that FDR was misaligned. In 1933, they could NOT demonitize the US
dollar; it was then considered unconstitutional. In 1933, they could NOT
devalue the US dollar; they waited too long and gold reserves were too low
after the gold run. Making it illegal to own gold, while still keeping the
dollar technically backed by gold was an elegant solution to a catastrophic
problem. Seriously... what SHOULD FDR have done? What would you have done?
What other solutions could have been found for his problem, in 1933?

Anyway, with the US dollar demonetized, it's highly unlikely the US would
ever consider making it illegal to own gold again, IMHO.


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