>> I mean, short of locking them in a rubber room, what can be done 
>> the HYIP/MLM perpetual victims? I've spoken to quite a few, both 
>> the internet and in person, and most don't seem to be noticeably
>> mentally retarded (or whatever the politically correct term for it 
>> these days). I suspect there is a part of their brain which deals
>> with financial matters which is deficient.

>I guess you also believe that the millions and millions of people who
regularly vist casinos, race tracks and sports books and the multi 
>who regularly play the various lotteries are mentally deficient in 
matters, right?  This must be the case as the percentage of these 
people who
>are winners in these various "games" is incredibly small, probably 
>smaller than those in HYIP/MLM.

As a matter of fact, yes. Compulsive gambling is a serious problem 
for many people. I have a mild case of it myself. Psychologists are 
recognising that the repetitive physical tasks are very habit-
forming. Additionally gambling doesn't make financial sense if you 
think about it, because the more you gamble the less the odds work in 
your favour, as 'the house' always wins overall (and that's assuming 
the games aren't rigged). Gambling is a scam too, although I believe 
you would find it is far less of a scam (in terms of 
misrepresentation) than HYIPs. The ONLY people who make serious money 
 from HYIP and MLM are the instigators. Anyone who can come into a 
scheme and make money out of it would be better off setting up some 
sort of real sales business themselves and sell real products in the 
real world.

>>My solution would be to
> not let them have any money, or alternately run a 'pretend' 

>"My solution"????  Solution to what?  Why is this be a problem for 

Every problem needs a solution, if only as an intellectual challenge. 
You may not think it's a problem for you personally. But you might 
get a surprise one day. Perhaps a close friend or relative will be 
ruined via sending all their money to a scam in Costa Rica promising 
to triple their money in 24 hours. Maybe your broker will be arrested 
for investing your funds at the racetrack. Someone might jump off a 
building and land on you.

>If you want to apply the "My solution" to something useful. why not 
go to over populated third world countries and get the governments 
there to issue those people pretend children?  Or, maybe life size 
blow up dolls so those "perpetual victims"  whose brains are 
deficient in sexual matters, can have pretend sex and not create all 
those babies causing that over population.

Procreation is a natural human activity. The problems of third world 
overpopulation are not, IMO, anything to do with mental deficiency 
but products of cruel weather patterns, perpetual wars as a result of 
post-colonialism (and neo-colonialism), disease etc. Infant mortality 
rates (via poor health and nutrition) and the underdeveloped 
economies are the major factor. Farming families who rely on their 
children to provide labour will have more as insurance against some 
of them dying in infancy. These are perfectually natural (and not 

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