> > As part of the Charter of the Association  there will be no restrictions
> > any accredited member of the Association as to how many gold suppliers
> > have agreements with.
> Excellent. This will allow all reputable exchange providers (of any
> variety) to be listed on a site where a listing actually means an
> endorsement. There will be no need for continous pointings to a legal
> disclaimer stating that listing here does not imply endorsement.
> This is a much better solution than expecting e-gold or G&SR/Omnipay to
> screen all potential exchange providers. A lot of people complain when
> they don't screen who they link to their site (including their lawyers).
> When they do start screening, a lot of people complain. They are making
> these decisions based upon their own conclusions, and nobody else's. When
> an association makes a decision, all members have a say.
> This will further allow e-gold to become a truly non-biased, world-wide
> currency.

Quite correct.  The Association is not here to beat anyone's drum but to put
in place a standard of operation which all, clients, market makers,
suppliers and even merchants can rely on.  It will also have the additional
benefit of caring for the interests of the market makers with particular
emphasis on fraud and scammers which have tended to be a bane upon their

Once the Association is in place and operational all will have the
oportunity to participate according to their relationship in the gold
economy,  but I can tell you the public, once presented with a professional
standard, will not expect anything less than the standard presented.
Therefore it is expected that the eCurrency Trade Association Inc will be
the first Port of Call for the Public seeking assistance in funding any
account. Who belongs to whom and who represents whom will become largely
academic and the criteria for clients will become verification of the the
market maker accreditation not is he/she/they listed somewhere.

The accredited member will have the support of an officially incorporated
body to represent them to the gold suppliers in any dispute that may arise.

In short,  the more heated the discussion becomes the more apparent the need
for eCurrency trade Association Inc.

Michael Moore
Vice President (Pro Tem)
for the
Board of Directors
of the
eCurrency Trade Association Inc.

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