This should be of interest to American's.


 Date:  Wed, 09 May 2001 19:43:14

 Dear Friends & Acquaintances,
 Things are going forward nicely.

 A few things you will need to know.

 At the website

 Exhibits A & B are on this site. They are working on getting other Exhibits
 on the site but be patient.  Also the application was suppose to be on the
 site by now but I have heard that it is not, at this time. So, if you need
 an application or somebody you know needs an application just let us know
 either by email or call us at 480-558-3346.

 Conference Calls: We will be continuing with these soon. We will send this
 out to everyone as soon as we know when these will be taking place and by
 what method, phone, internet, etc. We are expecting to go on a national
 syndicate radio show in the very near future. This will further our cause
 explode nationwide.

 Let it be known that those of you who were illegally imprisoned by the IRS
 will be able to file a lawsuit after we have won this one, against all of
 those who had anything to do with your imprisonment. Judges, lawyers, IRS
 agents, the IRS itself will be able to be filed on. You will be able to hit
 them with judgments, leans, garnishments etc. just like they did you. I am
 looking forward to seeing them receive their just rewards.

 This lawsuit will truly cause our nation to reunite as a people once the
 truth is out and cause our economy to change and restore our constitutional
 rights as a people. True taxation by true representation will only be
 allowed in each state as it was originally set up from the beginning of the

 Have faith this lawsuit will go forth and does have the merits to bring the
 IRS down as they should be so that WE THE PEOPLE can once again prosper as
 nation. I feel that this lawsuit was brought forth by the guiding hand of
 the LORD and will be successful with the prayers and strong merits of the
 evidence and the tremendous leadership and skills of the legal team. When
 the evidence of this case is finally presented the IRS will wish they had
 not ever deceived us so horribly as citizens of The Republic of the United
 States of America.

 Remember "The Truth Shall Make You Free"     Les Hollingshead

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