> Subject: Re: Standard Reserve Took His Gold
> From: "SnowDog" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Sun, 13 May 2001 21:22:39 -0500
> X-Message-Number: 11
> Hello!
> Thank you very much for your offer, and Elwyn Jenkins has already paid-out
> my account. In fact, I probably owe him an apology; I should not have
> mentioned my predicament to the e-gold list so soon. There just seemed to
> a series of events that led me to believe they had adopted a bad policy.
> turned out that it was just a misunderstanding.

Thanks for the apology Craig.

> However, with regard to the Net Anywhere account, I still don't understand
> why they want to charge $3 for the account. It is my understanding that
> Cash Card is not available for use with the Net Anywhere account. The card
> is used with the Instant Anywhere account, which has always had fees, from
> my understanding. The $3 fee would be worthwhile if the Net Anywhere
> was useful. From my perspective, it may be very useful in the future, but
> of now, it hasn't built up any significant level of 'critical mass' yet.
> can't use it to go bowling, for example.]

The Net Anywhere account (Cash Card Classic account) has all the features of
the Cash Card account without the card. You need to understand that the Cash
Card is an International means of eCommerce. Not the type of card you would
use for a $15 tab at the bowling alley. You need to think Globally.

When you are doing business with people from other parts of the Globe the
Cash Card is invaluable in instantaneous funds transfers, and currency
conversion. Imagine buying some goods from a supplier in Japan. You can
transfer funds to their Cash Card account from your Cash Card account, which
you funded with US dollars, then they can go immediately to the ATM and pull
their funds out in Japanese Yen. Amazing!

Your issue with a few bucks for fees is totally off track. You are looking
to save a few bucks, but you are missing out on a $Million opportunity in
International eCommerce.
> Thank you again. I've now more than doubled my money with this error, and
> I'm not sure what I can do to make your gift to me worthwhile for you.

You are welcome. Please don't hesitate to let us know how we may assist you
in the future!

Yours In Success,

Steve Renner, Founder
Cash Cards International, LLC
250 Second Ave S #110
Minneapolis, MN 55401
Phone: (612) 333-3893
Fax:  (612) 332-3834



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