> Julian, for the average consumer there is no doubt you are correct.  For a
> business or bank moving thousands or millions of dollars, the risk of loss
> is definitely worth the hassle of getting the smart card.

Of course. (And this is actually consistent with my "law" - the *user*
is not the one making the decisions on "whether to pay" in that case.)
> For the retail merchant the cumulative loss due to credit card fraud (the
> merchant eats it) may well be worth the hassle of convincing his customers
> to go through the hassle of getting smart cards and readers.  This can be
> done by offering them a discount or reward, or giving away cards and
> readers.  People will go to amazing hassle to get "free" stuff!

Not trivial though because proper smart cards are Very Fancy Tech right
now and hence rather expensive to give as freebies.

> Hushmail has done a brilliant job of making sophisticated encryption
> invisible and simple to use for the end user.  Of course, Hushmail doesn't
> solve the particular problem we are talking about (keyboard sniffers) BUT
> they have shown that encryption can be made popular by embedding it in user
> friendly software.

Keyboard sniffers are trivial to defeat: type the alphabet into one
window, cut and paste letters into another, paste the password into its
text box, close and delete all temporaries.

> Due to the fact that e-gold is a small fish in the financial pond, most of
> the fraud is presently involving credit cards.  However, as e-gold increases
> in popularity, fraud will become more common.  I suspect that one the hassle
> from the fraud reaches a certain threshhold, e-gold will upgrade to a more
> secure system.

Improbable - e-gold can just take the perfectly justifiable position "a
fool and his money are soon parted" and that it's none of their damn
business if you can't read simple instructions.

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