Unfortunately, that story means that

        OS Gold is super for specific purposes and customers.

but it also means

        OS Gold is not a player as a currency.

Just last night i spent THIRTY THOUSAND dollars of gold, to a market 
maker I was selling wholesale to (you know who you are, you bastard! 
:) )

Today the price of gold has shot up again.

I would LOVE TO revoke that spend, so i could get a better price. 
But, with e-gold it is not possible to revoke the spend.

Thus, if you are into the specific purposes and customers OS Gold is 
targetted to, I reckon OS Gold is aboslutely perfect for your uses 
and you should never, ever use e-gold for any reason.

>Hi everyone....
>I just had to tell you about this!
>I have a private club called International Money Club.
>I set up an OsGold account a few weeks ago for the
>club. Well when they came out with the OSOPPS site
>last week I offered to all the club members that
>signed up under the IMC (International Money Club)
>account with OSOPPS that I would send them back $9.90
>of the referal fee that was paid to the IMC account.
>All has gone well...OSOPPS pays the referal fees then
>I send the $9.90 to the members that joined.
>Well, while sending the funds to some members the
>other day I accidently sent the $9.90 to the wrong
>account....oops...suppposed to look at that name
>before you confirm....and I know better but was in a
>hurry...so I went ahead and sent the funds to the
>person I was supposed to.
>I then made contact with the Customer Care of OSGOLD
>and they replied in a very short time...not counting
>the auto mail you receive right away...but a person
>made contact with me and told me the would send it to
>the operations manager...or whatever...any way the
>next day I received another email message telling me
>that it would be refunded to me...
>This morning when I looked in my account there was the
>2001-05-23 00:03:56 638632 10005584 OSOPPS 10014478
>International Money Club 10.00 USD spent to wrong
>account :-)
>...and look they sent $10...that means I didn't even
>lose the .10 that it took me to get it back..they
>covered that too! AND IT WAS MY MISTAKE NOT THEIRS.
>Yes, the mistake was made by me, sending the funds to
>OSOPPS...I put the wrong account number...but
>still...I am really happy that they felt I was
>important enough and that my little 9.90 was sent back
>to me....
>Just wanted to share that!
>Joyce Marie
>OsOpps! Join today!
>OsGold account...FREE http://www.osgold.com/index.php?id=10000032
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