Capulin is great. Here's a testimonial I wrote for them a while back.
The scammer is indeed still out there (but I'm still on vacation, so
I am slow). Our complaints are unlikely to do any good until Tues.,
if experience is any indicator. :( Delete spam ALWAYS, and also
remember that even though I can send email appearing to be from
[EMAIL PROTECTED] -- (fortunately or unfortunately for
the United States, you decide) that won't make me President! ;)
At this moment, I'm drinking Vienna roast. Daniel says he's going
to eventually put the following up on his site. If you don't like his
coffee, you'll be the first person I've heard to say that. It's worth
the extra you spend on it, so try a pound!
Capulin Coffee, for a number of reasons, has got to be one of
my very favorite e-gold merchants.
First of all, the quality and taste is second to none! The coffee
we get is invariably fresher and more aromatic than other kinds
we use when we run out of Capulin, and the caffeine content is
clearly higher IMO. If you are a taste snob like me, you'll think
it's worth the price for sure. In the OmniPay office, it improves
employee morale to serve better coffee, and the expense is
truly minor in comparison to the increased work I alone do if
I have my fix. The entire office feels this way too.
Secondly, Daniel is using e-gold and capitalism RIGHT! He's
helping less-fortunate people in the best way possible, with a
100% voluntary customer base and hard work, rather than a
weepy sob story or a guaranteed to fail government program
designed to degrade rather than uplift the poor.
Thirdly, Daniel is at the same time doing something VERY cool
by helping the rain forest and individual farming methods that
help the land while helping the people while supplying me with
a superior product. I get the feeling that the gold I spend will
do something good for the environment, and that's very nice of
him. I am constantly sending people to his site to check out the
fun things that can be done with e-gold. Daniel came to us of
his own volition, so there was no work on my part getting him
going, and he instantly "got" e-gold and the concept of better
money without ANY work on my part. I could use a dozen of
him a day, he's reliable, fast, and has a good sense of humor
(needed when dealing with Jim Ray!). Buy a lot of his coffee
NOW, and use e-gold to pay for it! :)
"e-gold is to 'money' what email is to letters." -- JP May
Regards, James M. Ray <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> PGP = 0xAE141134
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