This post is hard to title. It relates to:
1. the claimed 'asset' status of goldmoney
2. what it really means to own and hold gold as an asset and
3. how crytography might enable a gold currency to be a true asset currency

Goldmoney claims to be 'unique' in that holdings of goldgrams are title to
the actual gold in the holding, rather than a currency backed by a holding.
This is simply not the case, as the owner of 1 gg simply cannot take his
holding out and effect his claimed ownership of it -- bullion backing
goldmoney is in bullion of much greater masses. Even if you had enough
goldgrams to remove bullion from allocated storage, your holding is not a
specified/allocated piece of bullion, but an interest in allocated storage
of of all goldmoney holdings at the repository. Further still, the direct
holding of a piece of bullion at a repository is not true ownership, as you
lack actual and rely on the security and reputation of the repository.

The only true asset currency in respect to gold is the physical possession
of bullion, which is physically passed from payer to payee to act as means
of payment and medium of exchange, money. In deciding whether or not to
accept bullion as payment, the payee will seek warrant for believing that
the bullion contains the gold it is claimed to contain. This usually will
involve agents who assess the bullion and provide opinion of its gold
content. This is where cryptography could provide a means of demonstrating
the authenticity of the opinion -- showing that the named agent does in fact
give a particular opinion about a particular piece of bullion. Bullion could
be assessed and then packed/encased, together with a micro-computer, into a
tamper evident packaging, in a convinient size, shape and appearence for use
in commerce (an alternative to tamper evident packaging would be that
seperation of bullion from micro-computer (or attempt to re-attach the
micro-computer to another piece of bullion) would destroy the
micro-computer). The micro-computer would have the capacity to respond to a
crypto challenge and response protocol through the tamper evident packaging
(or some other method of cryptography). Thus the payee can be sure the
stated opinion is not a forgery. The design would also require that the
costs of removing the micro-computer and repackaging with a fake bullion
would exceed the value of the bullion. If this design condition was met, the
payee could also be sure that the opinion referred to the bullion it is
enclosed/encased with. Perhaps the a method of production would be to mint
coins with a cavity on one face, into which the micro-computer fitted, and
the coin would be encased in plastic, making seperation either destructive
of the micro-computer or at least very difficult and substantially more
expensive than the value of the coin.  The micro-computer could be solar
powered (plastic encasing would be transparent) and use 3G wireless
technology to communicate with conventional computing/communication devices.
Induction could also be used to power the micro-computer. Plastic encasing
would make the coins water-proof.

David Hillary

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