>>Did you know that all the gold mined since mankind hold in a cube
>>that has only  19 meters on its sides?

don't forget though, that is 19x19x19 = 7000 cubic meters.

Really big dump trucks (picture a NY city trash truck, say) only hold 
a few cubic meters of stuff.

>I'd heard that (I think this means it could all just barely fit in my
>little apartment!). An actual 19-meter cube of gold-spraypainted
>styrofoam just might make an interesting item for some group
>trying to make a point about how rare gold is.
>I wonder how they came up with this figure? And I wonder how
>much is in central bank vaults, and how much is being worn as
>jewelry, and how much is in our computers (or other industrial
>uses)? I also wonder how much of the cube would be taken up
>by 121 400oz bars if they were all melted down,

Someone must know the dimendions of those bars.

let's say they are about 8 inches long and four across and 2 up.

That means there would be about 5 lengthways in a metre, 10 of them 
across in a meter and 20 upwards in a meter.

So, a cubic meter of those bars would be about 5.10.20 = 1000 of those bars.

My guess would be "one thousand to a few thousand of those bars make 
up one cubic meter"

(Another way to think about it --- a common pick up truck, a chevy or 
ford, holds a cubic meter or so.  How many of those bars could you 
pile into a chevy - probably a few thousand, I think.) (Needless to 
say the suspension would be shot!)

Does anyone know how many cubic yards of coal a coal-wagon holds in a 
big freight train?  10?  15? 20?

>and what size
>THAT "cube-within-a-cube" might be?
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