At 6:10 AM -0600 6/7/01, extropians-digest wrote:
>Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2001 01:48:08 -0400 (EDT)
>From: Dan Fabulich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: E-cash's feasibility?
>Hi!  It's been a while since I posted here.
>I'm starting to do research on an article I'm writing about David
>Chaum's e-cash protocol, especially as it impacts the feasibility of
>extremely small micropayments.
>It's been years since I've been involved in this field, however, and
>folks like the Cypherpunks don't seem to have updated their WWW pages
>in a VERY long time, so I'm not sure where I'd look to find out what
>the state of the art is.
>Last I'd heard, the feasibility of using a system derived from his
>blind signature protocol was limited, because Chaum had a patent on
>his algorithm which wouldn't expire until, IIRC, 2007 or so.  Though
>I'm aware than various people have extended his idea, but AFAIK it
>would be illegal of me to sit down and write an open source Chaumian
>bank based on his blind signature protocol.
>Is this actually the case?
>In my article, I want to argue that it Chaum's algorithm COULD be the
>final blow to bring micropayments to everyone if it were distributed
>as a Free (as in speech) open-source program, but that past and
>current micropayment systems have failed because the organizations who
>have tried to push for them (including Chaum's DigiCash, now eCash
>Technologies,) have done so with a closed source system, with an eye
>towards taking a cut out of every e-transaction.  Under an open-source
>Chaumian bank, on the other hand, anybody could be their own bank,
>rendering middleman business strategies like this impossible.
>I also want to argue against Clay Shirky and others who claim that
>micropayments are a bad idea because they are bad for consumers.  They
>DO benefit distributors at the expense of consumers, but they
>disadvantage consumers only a little, and benefit distributors quite a
>lot.  The whole P2P idea is that the consumers ARE distributors (and
>even, more democratically, producers!) so, in a P2P environment,
>micropayments are a good idea.
>I've heard of Mojo Nation, but I'm also aware that they currently do
>not provide a means for trading Mojo for money, or vice versa.
>- -Dan
>       -unless you love someone-
>     -nothing else makes any sense-
>            e.e. cummings

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