
EFCE 2001
22-23 June 2001


Only 2 weeks to go until EFCE 2001 !

EFCE 2001 is the leading engineering conference in the field of
Financial Cryptography. Companies active in the field meet to present
and demonstrate Running Code that pushes forward the "state of the art".

This year's programme shows a wide range of financial technologies to be
unveiled, both software and hardware, with international speakers
assembling from the US, the Caribbean and Central Europe.

Please join us in Edinburgh 22-23 June 2001 (Friday/Saturday) for what
promises to be an exciting and fascinating event.

Details on the website at <http://www.efce.net> or mail me directly!

Rachel Willmer
General Chair, EFCE 2001



David Wyatt
Development Director
CrestCo Ltd

Access to CREST (the core UK settlement infrastructure responsible for
GBP 220bn of business a day) is at the moment restricted to those who
can afford to use the private networks licensed by CRESTCo.

But new technologies, especially cryptography, are changing all this.
David will describe how he proposes to allow retail investors to
interact directly with CREST, cheaply but securely over the Internet, to
instruct and settle transactions with their broker - or perhaps with
each other.

He will describe how he will at the same time link them direct to their
bank or building society accounts, to pay immediately a trade is struck
with real-world cash. He will describe how CRESTCo will prototype this
within the year and he will show how easy it is to take this structure
and turn it into a real-time loading mechanism for putting cash (and UK
or foreign equities, gilts and other bonds, etc) onto the net.


"Electronic cash and private credentials based on Stefan Brands'

Ulf Möller
Zero-Knowledge Systems Inc.
Montreal, Canada

Zero-Knowledge Systems is developing an SDK for electronic cash and
private credentials based on Stefan Brands' technologies. Ulf Möller
from ZKS will discuss this toolkit and demonstrate e-cash on a mobile



"GoldMoney.com - A Solid Currency for Global Commerce"

Geoffrey Turk
Nassau, Bahamas

GoldMoney is an Internet payment system that greatly advances electronic
commerce by providing a safe, cost-effective and easy way to exchange
money for goods and services. By combining the power of Internet
technology with the simplicity of gold, the world's oldest money,
GoldMoney enables its users to make instant, non-repudiable payments to
anyone around the world at any time, day or night.

Geoffrey will demonstrate the current payment technology in GoldMoney,
along with an introduction to some new functionality including digital
certificate authentication, two-step payment key authentication and
trusted third party integration.

Geoffrey Turk is the Operations Manager of GoldMoney.



"The Secure Execution Engine from nCipher"

Ross Younger
Cambridge, UK

nCipher have recently developed the Secure Execution Engine which allows
developers to place their security critical code into a Hardware
Security Module.

Signed code executing within the Engine can have rights over your
cryptographic material delegated to it, contingent on it bearing a
signature from a party authorised to use the material in question.

Ross will show how this can be used to enforce policy and protect the
execution of protocols which may be insecure when executed on a host
computer, even if the keys in question are secured in an HSM.

During the talk he will demonstrate use of the APIs, the process of
signing code, nCipher's host-side debugging capabilities, and the secure
execution of some example code within an nCipher HSM.



"Hardware Tokens for Mercantile Cryptography"

Rodney Thayer
California, USA

For several years now, the hardware token has been postulated to provide
technical capabilites for secure portable cryptographic operations in
commerce. The reality is, these devices are still an evolving
technology, on the 'bleeding edge' of usefulness.

This presentation will demonstrate some currently possible uses of
tokens, and discuss how they can be applied to Financial Cryptography
and other Internet commerce environments. Smart Cards, buttons, hardware
accelerators, and other token technologies will be explored.

Rodney Thayer is a long time IETF hacker, having been involved in
numerous encryption and security standards.


"In and Out the Payments Maze"

Rachel Willmer
Edinburgh, UK

Following on from last year's demonstration of the world's first online
currency exchange between e-gold and Mondex, Rachel will this year be
demonstrating a payment chain between other payment systems. This
demonstration will feature direct fixed-rate currency exchange, and an
online market-driven exchange in real-time.


"WebFunds -- a platform for trading instruments in real-time"
Ian Grigg
British West Indies

Ian will demonstrate advances in T+0 trading, including real securities
markets, trades that settle in T+seconds, and other innovations.

Ian Grigg is a founder of Systemics Inc, a leading builder of financial
cryptography systems, and also founder of the WebFunds Team.



"IceGold.com - THE international e-currency exchange!"

Paul Vahur
Tallinn, Estonia

Paul will show how existing commercial working codes can be implemented
into a working solution.

          e-gold + SMS + hanza.net = IceGold superb service :-)

Topped off with a finale of BananaGold.

Paul Vahur is Founder and CEO of IceGold, an exchange provider in



"XML format for Ricardian Contracts"

Erwin van der Koogh
The WebFunds team
Dublin, Ireland

Originally invented by Systemics, this Ricardian contract specification
defines a format and set of rules to define value as a contract, which
is very abstract and difficult to describe.

Currently, the format is in Window-like .ini format and changing it to
XML is the next logical step.

Or is it?

Erwin van der Koogh has proposed an XML schema for Ricardian Contracts
and will test that against the set of requirements of a Ricardian

Erwin van der Koogh presents as one of the WebFunds Development Team.



"The Bonds that Free"

picoIPO Ltd

The invention of Internet tradeable instruments of extreme efficiency
brings IPOs within reach of the poorest. It has already been shown that
finance can breach the barriers and effectively lend amounts as little
as $100 with the emerging field of microfinance.

Instruments will be shown that list, trade and settle; all for fees that
will bring tears to the eyes of the most hardened city dealer.

PicoIPO is an Internet Portal company in the sector of microfinance. As
well as being a clearinghouse for information in this field, picoIPO is
experimenting with Internet techniques for finance, in contrast to the
current practice of old manual techniques.



"Developing Payment Solutions using the NewGenPay System"

Amir Herzberg
Tel Aviv, Israel

NewGenPay is developing a new core payment technology which can be
implemented in a variety of payment instruments. The company is
developing the core NewGenPay engine, and also offers NewGenPay
Micropayments, a solution enabling provision of Micropayment services
(charging cents 'per click' or for buying with a mobile device).

Other technology solution providers will provide other payment
instruments using the core NewGenPay system, such as mobile payments,
person to person payments, strongly anonymous (`digital cash') payments,
and others.

Amir Herzberg is the CTO of NewGenPay, a recent spin-off from IBM (where
the technology was known as IBM MiniPay).



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