----- Original Message -----
To: e-gold Discussion <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2001 12:29 PM
Subject: [e-gold-list] major buyers?

> From: http://chat.goldmoney.com/June01.pdf
> Page 9
> > According to GATA, three
> > major buyers of gold have just recently emerged. They are,
> > George Soros, the Chinese government and a middle-eastern
> > government. Indeed according to rumors from a
> > Russian economic conference, it seems as though the
> > Chinese may be taking a hard stand against the U.S. by
> > swapping some of its enormous surplus of dollars for gold
> > in an effort to move toward a "golden Yuan," which they
> > hope to use to replace the dollar as a reserve currency, at
> > least in Asia. Politically this is said to be very popular
> > with Asian governments that remain extremely angry
> > about how the U.S. abused them during the 1998 Asian
> > crisis.

I find the suggestion of a 'golden Yuan' to be frankly incredible. The PRC
banking system and its financial system is anything but sound. Banking is
nationalised and make huge loss making loans to state owned enterprises.
Financial markets are rigged.

David Hillary

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