> I read it, and found it shocking! Especially the part where they train /
> indoctrinate their employees with an *angel* wanting to report
> everyone, and
> a *devil* wishing to give the benefit of the doubt! Surely the Christian
> thing to do is to give a person the benefit of the doubt. To
> think the best
> of people and not to impute to them impure motives they may not have.
> The USPS by this video is conditioning employees to turn their
> conscience on
> its head! To believe good to be bad and bad to be good. When you are
> chatting with a friendly acquaintance, you do not search for excuses to
> denounce him or her to the 'authorities' as a "potential bad guy". Such a
> temptation would be from the "devil". If you have an angel on the other
> shoulder it should be reasoning with you that this person has *not* just
> committed a crime in front of you, and they not only deserve, but have a
> right to be treated without malice.

...not to mention that little thing about a Constitutional right to
presumptive innocence!

There's something I've learned about human nature. People tend to see others
as a mirror of themselves. Certain behaviors in other people raise red flags
with me and make me suspect them of dishonesty or malice, but when I don't
see those behaviors I simply assume that any given person is basically
honest and good. People who are fundamentally dishonest and mean have it the
other way around; they assume a priori that others are dishonest and mean
because that's how they are, and they can't imagine being any other way. You
can see where I think the postal employees fall in this worldview.

A government is much the same. A tyranical government necessarily comes to
see all citizens as enemies because that's the way it behaves. During
Stalin's time the Soviet secret police actually had _quotas_ of how many
people that had to arrest (who were typically then executed or sent to a
gulag) for "conspiracies" against the government. When their spouses came in
to find out why they had been arrested, they were arrested too. Fortunately
the USPS is not actually allowed to execute people (a few isolated incidents
notwithstanding), but the policy looks the same. They assume without
evidence that there are at least a certain number of badguys using the
system, and that therefore they need to catch that many. The presumption of
innocence is tosses out the window.

The only right in the Bill of Rights that is still respected by my
government is the Third Amendment. I am, however, happy to report that there
are no troops quartered in my house. No, wait a minute, let me get back to
you on that after I check the spare bedroom.

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