> I doubt
> >4) Some large vendor starts to support e-gold
> >
> will happen while the sole business model is:
>         "your new e-gold related venture can ... reach
>         everyone on the e-gold mailing list!!!"

Q. How do ordinary people find out about ordinary nifty new sites on the

A. By:

- word of mouth

- banner ads

- news stories

- they search on google

- they browse directories like dmoz.org and its derivatives, or yahoo

- they opt in to announce lists

- spam, but mostly this gets ignored

So enhancements possible already to help "spread the word":

- tell aquaintances about it, get them to tell their aquaintances

- set up mutual banner ad rotation servers

- talk to journalists

- volunteer to be a dmoz.org editor for an "e-gold sites" node, then
tell people about the page and get them to submit their pages for

- set up an "e-gold spam" list, and ask people to join it from your

That's a good start, no? Then maybe later you can talk e-gold into
putting a "subscribe me to the e-gold spam list" button, or at least
listing it on their own mini directory.

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