> Someone (Viking?) was implying that the ADS in magazines SUPPLEMENT 
> magazines incomes -- ie, mazgines/newspapers get income from the 
> cover price.
> That is not correct (the cover price is all-but irrelevant), 
> magazines, like all media, are simply things that exist because of 
> advertising.  People sit down and go "whats a new way to sell ads - 
> oh I know, we'll do a motorbike magazine / a business magazine / a 
> women's magazine".  It's not the other way around.

So your point is that all advertising outlets, magazines/radio/TV/web,
exist solely for the purpose of pushing more advertising. This isn't
neccesarily true for *all* magazines, etc..., but let's go with it.

Magazines, etc... exist for the sole purpose of advertising.

You, and a few others, are rallying for e-gold to accept advertising.

Then, e-gold would exist for the sole purpose of advertising.

I don't think that Douglas sat down several years ago and  thought "what's
a new way to sell ads - Oh, I know, we'll create a gold backed currency".

Viking Coder
Worth Two Cents?

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