> e-gold ltd. should not be able to file *any* lawsuits. Filing a lawsuit
> entails taking on liabilities (i.e legal retainers, court fees, etc...),
> correct? e-gold ltd. cannot, and does not, hold *any* liabilities.

I'll have to disagree on that one. Waiving the right to file _any_ lawsuits
puts them in the position of being able to ripped off by anyone without fear
of reprisal. It would be the legal equivalent of gun control, b.k.a. victim

Which is the greater liability--having a bazillion dollars in your house and
the possibility of legal reprisal if you shoot someone who breaks in (or who
you _think_ is breaking in), or having a bazillion dollars in your basement
and letting the whole world know that you refuse to defend it with force?

Besides, if legal retainers, courts fees and such things are "liabilities,"
well, gee wiz doesn't e-gold limited already pay rent, utilities and
employee salaries?

I also think the lawsuit under discussion was filed by Gold & Silver
Reserve, not e-gold, ltd., but that is not relevant to my point.

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