
Most of the things you have said are true but you are still confusing
different things.

> My point to all of this is that if you honestly believe that there is
> ZERO risk associated with outexchanges, you are wrong.  There ARE risks
> associated with outexchanges.  Not the risk of having your transaction
> reversed, but worse, having your company dragged into the mischief of
> another.

The risks you speak of are real and substantial but they are not
with outexchanges (of e-gold) per se.  They are associated with DOING
BUSINESS of any sort.

However, it may well be that such risks are greater when doing business 
in e-gold because e-gold is unfortunately turning out to be a crook
> Market Makers have absolutely no way of knowing where a client got the
> e-gold the wants to outexchange. While this protects the individual wanting
> to outexchange, it certainly does nothing for anyone who was victimized by
> the person.  That has pro's and con's. 

Yes, it does.  It is a serious problem.  On the one hand, I hate the
and scammers with a passion and it offends me mightily that they are
able to get away with a single penny of loot.  On the other hand, I want
honest people to be able to go about their business unmolested by
crime (government).  The temper of the times is to sacrifice the rights
the second with the excuse that it is necessary to stop the first.

This is an unacceptable price.  There has to be another way.  And it is
to those of us who care about it to find an acceptable solution which
reconciles and simultaneously achieves both objectives.
For market makers to try to become thought police does not do this. 
comment does not aleviate your present practical problems trying to
your business when no satisfactory solution is on offer.  But it is good
to keep in mind long term objectives.



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