Sounds like a fabulous idea .. .I'm in!

>On a different note, I am starting an E-Gold
>newsletter. I am aiming for a subscriber base
>of about 2000, by the end of this month.
>If you're interested, please send an email
>to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Please put "EN" in
>the subject line. I'll manually subscribe you,
>and inform everyone once the newsletter is up.
>Domain is being sorted out. Thanks for reading.
>P.S. My newsletter does not promote p.o.n.z.i.s.
>No gifting, no matrixes, no bullsh!t ok. Last time I
>advertised, I got about 300 emails asking me if I
>could run an advertisement for the XXX gifting
>program etc ... please don't waste my time with
>these types of things. If you are interested in
>advertising in the first edition, then just email me
>at the above address. I will have around 700 gold
>subscribers to start with ...

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To unsubscribe send a blank email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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