The next half dozen orders who have genuinely never before used , will BE PAID A BONUS OF ONE GRAM.

No ifs ands or buts.

Email [EMAIL PROTECTED] when you have placed your order, to claim 
your one gram prize.

If you make an order and you've missed out, you can ask for your 
order to be cancelled and refunded. You can write before-hand and see 
if there are any of the 6 left.  Even if you spend less than one 
gram, you will get sent a gram! You can't lose!

If you've never used Bananagold before, try it --- banana gets scores 
of orders every week ranging from $10 to (the biggest one ever) $5000.

All are processed instantly and easily, you can see all your shipping 
information, UPS tracking numbers etc on the banana site, your order 
is placed more quickly than if you used a credit card.

email [EMAIL PROTECTED] with your banana order # to claim your prize!

No tricksters who have already used banana please!  :)

Some recent things bought USING E-GOLD at Banana:

* high-end digital video cameras
* convention high-end video cameras
* a number of mid-range film compact cameras
* a couple of SLRs
* a great many PALM and similar devices .. and accessories
* binoculars

and of course ..

* vast numbers of DVDs, music CDs, and books of every description
* technical (software, etc) books quite popular lately

Users from these countries recently using Bananagold:

* Asian countries popular last few weeks
* Australia - not as popular as it was
* Canada popular
* Some middle-east orders!

Banana easily and routinely processes of a few thousand bucks in 
normal course of action.

Use it -- and really enjoy the full power of e-gold!

* Private!
* Fast!
* Incredibly easy -- 2 screens, compare 8 or more on itself

It really is the promise of gold-backed currencies realized.

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To unsubscribe send a blank email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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