> It's ok for 'mutual funds' to steal (what other word?) untold 
> billions from people using hype, somehow its not ok for this kid 
> to 
> do it.
> so called 'insider trading' is a consensual crime: like drug use, 
> there is no reason for it to be illegal.
When you go in and read the whole article it make facinating reading in 
that it shows up:

1)  The fallacy  of the S.E.C.  Do what we tell you not what we do. 
When they discovered it was a 14 year old boy that really stuffed them 
up  and of course they could not go public and look like a bunch of 

2)  The reasoning behind what Jonathan did which was quite logical, and

3)  The ignorant attitude of his parents, particularly of his father, 
who was more of an emotional boat train than a parental asset.

Perhaps it is amazing what he did in view of the situation he was 
living in.  or maybe was because of it.

I must say I understood what he was saying and and not ashamed to say I 
leanr't something from his perception of how the market works.


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