It seems to me that e-gold shouldn't need to set their price at all.

That is, if a digital asset currency allows the market makers to do all the
exchanging between that currency and fiat currencies, then the price of
e-gold, GoldMoney or whatever, is determined by the average of all the daily
trades by the exchange agents.

I wrote an article in The Gold Economy last winter predicting that since
e-gold and others make gold bullion more useful than a 400 oz brick in your
hand, that we should see the price of e-gold and others rise several
percentage points above the price of gold bullion on the commodities

This seems to have happened, because while market makers will sell you
e-gold for a 3-10% commission ABOVE the commodity price of gold, most of
them will buy your e-gold at spot price or in some cases higher.

If the commission was merely a price for their service, you would expect the
7-10% charge BOTH ways.

One obvious reason for this is that the market maker has virtually zero risk
on converting e-gold to cash, but has high risk converting cash to e-gold.

The fact that many market makers are now offering to pay YOU above spot to
buy your e-gold suggests that my prediction is coming true.  The price of
e-gold is now higher than the price of gold, and it isn't just exchange
fees.  It holds its value at that price.

Any comments?

Ken Griffith

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