The Snipper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> 1) They did not SPECIFICALLY target MLM/Gaming/Scam.   MLM and Gaming are
> mentioned.  nowhere do I see the word scam in the prospectus.

Of course they don't mention scams in a prospectus. But mentioning MLM and 
Gaming is exactly the same. How many MLM/Gaming 'opps' based on other GBC's 
turned out the be scams? 90%? 95%?

Where in the prospectus do they tell you that they only target the 5 or 10% 
of legitimate ventures? Looking at the growth numbers they propose this 
looks even almost mathematically impossible to achieve if they only 
targeted the legitimate ones.

> 2)  If that were true e-gold would have been shut down long ago .

First of all: governments work slow, so there is no guarantee yet that 
e-gold will not be shut down eventually. But the thing is: e-gold did 
explicitly support scams. It even did something against some scams 
(freezing accounts), so that may have saved them.


PS: Even more interesting is the following phrase in their prospectus:

"During the year 2000 e-gold experienced explosive growth, partly due to 
work done by the founders of pecunix incorporated."

Now that we all know where this growth of e-gold came from, what does this 

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