I will agree that 90%+ of HYIP'S are outright scams and ponzi schemes.
However, to be fair, I need to point out a couple of things:

There is a private and very large HYIP here in Costa Rica that has been
paying 3% a month for over 20 years with no sign of stopping, despite some
recent persecution of this program by the local newspaper and someone trying
to extort them, and numerous and continuous [and UNWANTED] investigations by
numerous agencies of the US government over many years.

For information on why HYIP's MUST become private programs rather than
public, read the article at http://www.destiny-worldwide.net/hyip.htm

There is a definite and vested interest in various governments not wanting
you to find a workable program.  You can use your imagination as to why, but
some of the reasons are most of these are offshore, private, tax free,
untracable, etc.

So, governments attempt to shut down programs that are legitimate and that
get too large [it is amazing the orchastrated, concerted campaign against
the company here, but the company has prevailed simply because too many
people in power in the government here have money in it].

Another tactic is that the governments allow the scams to go on many times
unmolested, at least for some time.  What this means is that people get
burned by the scams [remember over 90+% of these programs ARE scams, and you
only have a very small chance to get into one that is not a scam.  thus the
majority of the people draw the erroneous conclusion that ALL of them are
scams, which is what Big Brother wants you to think.  I have been burned by
several of these scams myself, but that was ONLY when I did not follow
commmon sense or the advice of some of those who know more than myself.  Or
it was when I got greedy and was not careful.  HYIP's are a minefield that
is not safe for the average person to fool around with.  I would say that
ANYTIME you receive spam from some "great program," or even have a "friend"
who is telling you their personal story about how great so and so program

I got burned once or twice by not following the above advice.

I am not going to bore all of you with further details here.  If you want to
learn more, you can find more information at our website [which is NOT
dedicated to this]:


Especially note the article there on economic correctness, as that pretty
well sums up the game that is going on to keep you in the dark about how the
financial world really operates.  There is enough information on this one
page to start anyone down the right path, but the answers are not quick or


P.S.  If you want to look at the whole site, which has a wealth of
information of all kinds, you need to enter from the front page so that you
get the frameset with all the buttons.  The buttons in the upper frame will
not reproduce from the links above, and so you will miss out on a lot of
material.  The main address is in my sig file below.

----> Get the privacy and offshore services you need from <
----> Destiny Worldwide!  Visit our websites often for <---
----> the latest seminars and resources! <------------------
----> http://www.offshorearnings.com    <------------------
----> http://www.destiny-worldwide.net  <-----------------
                 --<>--   --<<<+>>>--  --<>--
         "...it does not require a majority to prevail,
             but rather an irate, tireless minority
          keen on setting brush fires in people's minds..."
                                -- Samuel Adams


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