I would like to address several issues in this little monolog that I've
noticed keep coming up on the e-gold list and elsewhere -- some of this
healthy discussion spurred on by Mr. Julian Dibbel of Wired Magazine.

        For convenience, and to prevent the posting of a "book" as a single
posting, I will break up my discussion into 4 postings.

        1.) The apparrent, current prevalence of HYIP & other Ponzi Scams with
today's electronic      GBC's.
        2.) Current lack of "traditional" merchant acceptance of the current
electronic GBC's        available.
        3.) "Cost" of getting into the currently available electronic GBC's.
And     4.) My own ramblings on the future of electronic GBC's


Posting 1 of 4.) The apparrent, current prevalence of HYIP & other Ponzi
Scams with today's      electronic GBC's.

        The prevalence of HYIP, MLM, and such is no more or less prevalent than
it is with ColdHardCash in any of the major national currencies in use
today, and in the broadest sense is an irrelevant issue. For example: at
several of the E-mail addresses that I have, the ones that have been
around for over a year and that I use a little loosely seem to attract
on averageTEN to FIFTEEN solicitations a week (how, I  get on these
lists I don't know)   for participation in various MLM/Chain letter type
schemes that usually say [to paraphrase their tediously long "hook"
letters] something like "send five dollars cash to each of the 5 people
below, move everyone's name/address down a notch (errasing the last one)
and put yourself in the top position". I also get one or two of these
solicitations a month in the regular, hand-delivered, mail -- you know
that wastefull stuff on some material called paper that guys & gals in
funny clothes deliver to you as they run around the world in planes,
trains, and automobilies.

        Notice I said cash -- not e-gold, not GoldMoney, or any other
electronic GBC. That being the case . . . no one harasses the Federal
Reserve, or the central banks, or the governments of various countries
about what some idiot does with the money of their country; and as a
corollary suggest that the national currency in question (be it USD, DM,
BP, Yen, whatever) should not be used , or is questionable because
idiots and schmucks use it, as well the average Joe. And no one suggests
that the postal system should not be used just because idiots & smucks
use it as well as good, honest, hardworking people. On average I might
get 1 solicitation every other month via E-mail for similar schemes that
try to do the same thing using e-gold (I know others may get more or
less -- this is just my experience). 

        On a side note, these HYIP, MLM, and such are rampant on PayPal (maybe
even more so than with e-gold or GoldMoney). In case you don't know
PayPal's web site is www.paypal.com. PayPal has a similar dim view of
these things as does e-gold, GoldMoney, or as any thinking person might
have, and PayPal forbids the use of their system for such purposes --
but that doesn't stop people from using it for such. However,  no one
gives PayPal a hard time about the the various HYIP, MLM, and other
phooey that their system is used for. Though people do get on PayPal's
case for other reasons -- see link to another of my articles below

        Perhaps the reason people like to "JumpOn" GBC's at the slightest
provocation these days is that the average person today does not really
understand money. Gold evokes a viceral response --laying bare their
misunderstanding, and its consequences, to their psyche. This errosion
of understanding, in the United States, is linked to the errosion of
Property Rights and the degredation of the U.S. Constitution; which
occurred with vigor under the Reign of Abraham Lincoln (term from
1861-1865), and accellerated with earnest under Franklin Roosevelt's
Reign 1933-1934 -- but that's a topic for later . . . I'm thinking of
making a book out of it.

        I do have a bit of a gripe with PayPal, but they seem to be slowly
(very slowly) getting their house of cards in order. For a look at my
experience with PayPal, take a look at this article.
None of the problems (non-payment, chargebacks, etc...) that occur with
PayPal can happen with e-gold or GoldMoney, because with e-gold &
GoldMoney there is no credit -- you get paid, you stay paid.

        Anyway, getting back on track to the topic at hand.. . HYIP, MLM, and
such will use whatever payment system and currency they can. Their
presence is irrelevant and should not be part of any discussion
evaluating the merits and use of any payment system, be it backed by
gold, silver, BuckeyBalls, or ethereal National Currencies of various

That's my Two-Cents worth
 http://two-cents-worth.com/?114958&[EMAIL PROTECTED]
or more if you want too.



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