The winner of the 4-gram BANANAGOLD stats contest is .. unfortunately nobody!

>> "When will it be useful for large retailers
>> to accept e-gold?"

I carefully read each entry and also showed them all to a couple of 
intelligent, non-e-gold related persons. Unfortunately, there is no 
real insight or "answer" in any of the entries.

(Comapre the famous "when will e-gold surpass national currencies in 
circulation" entries, which you now see cut and pasted all over the 
internet, and the various debate over which one of the best was best 

Can anyone remember anything about any of the entries for the current 
contest, I'm afraid not!  So, no winner.  It was probably a boring 

(I thought of Banana giving 4 grams to charity, but I'm too 
capitalistic to use charity to put something over.)

I would paste the entries in here, but the 
FascistPastingLimiterDevice(tm) would prevent it! :)


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