(From the lists of Bob Hettinga.) This may interest some folks here,
does anyone have the first article in the series? Thanks. 


Copyright © 2001 The International Herald Tribune | www.iht.com

Euro Notes: Bonanza for the Underworld?
John Schmid International Herald Tribune
Wednesday, August 15, 2001

THE HAGUE On May 12, 1998, a small package was loaded into the hold of Air
France Flight 2522 in Paris bound for Munich. The 1-kilogram parcel had
arrived at Charles de Gaulle Airport under armed guard, but once on board
it was to travel unescorted. After a 20-minute ground delay, the flight was
airborne, touching down in Munich at 7:55 p.m.

The 2-pound package contained a top-secret weapon in the European Central
Bank's strategy to combat counterfeiting of euro banknotes, which are set
to go into circulation in January 2002. Within the jet's locked hold was a
printing plate for embedding a high-security hologram into the new euro
bills. The plate was on its way to Munich for the first large-scale test
production run.

But the trial never took place. On arrival at Munich, the masterplate had
disappeared. Air France officials scoured the hold and the entire Boeing
airliner for clues but came up empty.

The heist, which had the scent of an organized crime job, still baffles the
authorities three years later. Worse, the breach underscores an array of
serious questions about the overall security of the new currency.
Counterfeiting is only one of the nightmares confronting the authorities
entrusted with the smooth transfer of the 12 euro-zone nations to a single
currency. A possible surge in money laundering, encouraged by the wide
cross-border reach of the euro, also is keeping criminal investigators on

In particular, the police are keenly watching Russia, the Balkans, Central
and Eastern Europe and northern Africa for a rise in black market
activities of all sorts. The transport and stocking of mountains of cash as
E-day arrives is also putting euro-zone police forces on alert for a rash
of holdups.

"People will keep a deep and lasting memory of good and bad things incurred
during those fateful days," the European Parliament wrote in a recent
report. "Should problems occur, it might expose the entire European project
to criticism. The stakes are high."

As the airport theft suggested, criminal rackets recognize a golden
opportunity in the euro changeover - in essence, the biggest financial
transaction of all time. At the stroke of midnight Jan. 1, the euro will
instantly be as attractive to the underworld as is the dollar, now the
world's most counterfeited currency.

The counterfeiting already has begun, according to Britain's National
Criminal Intelligence Service. Britain may lie outside the euro zone but
the agency says it has collected evidence that crime gangs are printing
fake euro notes.

The euro poses black-market benefits that even the dollar cannot match. The
single currency will glide without a trace across a newly borderless Europe
in bills denominated in large values scarcely seen in the region. The E500
note - the highest denomination - is more valuable than any national
European bill except for the 1,000 Deutsche-mark note. The E500 is also
about five times the value of the biggest dollar note in circulation, the
$100 bill. Whether measured by weight or volume, that means more euros can
be jammed into a briefcase than dollars or existing European currencies.

"There is little doubt that the euro will replace the dollar as the
currency of choice for organized crime in Europe," said Mark Tantam, head
of fraud management in London at the Deloitte Touche consulting firm.

The transition to the euro is particularly tantalizing to a new breed of
crime syndicate outside the euro zone. These organizations, which have been
in full swing since the fall of communism, have shown themselves eager to
operate on a pan-European scale. Criminals are already trafficking in
everything from stolen cars and art to drugs and illegal waste. Now, they
are aiming to exploit the new currency not only in the euro zone but also
in less developed countries, where the euro will circulate widely as a
shadow currency and in many cases command greater trust than local

Counterfeiting of existing currencies is on the upswing. The German
Interior Ministry says it has pulled 63 percent more fake marks out of
circulation in the first quarter of the year than during the like period
last year. An estimated one-third of all marks circulate outside Germany,
most of them in Central-Eastern Europe, the Bundesbank has estimated.
Police officers in Kosovo claim to see fake marks almost everyday. In the
East-West crossroads of Berlin, the local police say the number of
counterfeits has doubled.

Officials are concerned about the ease with which forged bills now enter
circulation through the well-oiled distribution channels of the underground
economy. Willy Bruggemann, senior deputy director for anti-fraud activities
at Europol, the European Union's top police agency, said professional
forgers often unload entire batches of bogus bills in just one or two
big-ticket cash transactions related to real-estate or black-market art.

"Russians always pay cash anyway," he said. Furthermore, currency forgeries
are getting better - and enticing unassuming accomplices. Organized crime
already adopts the latest technologies in its counterfeiting efforts. Three
of every four counterfeits are printed on sophisticated offset presses with
copies good enough to fool most people, said Derek Porter, head of
Europol's anti-counterfeiting team. Thanks to laser scanners and
sophisticated color photocopiers, a cottage industry of e-forgers will also
likely emerge, Europol maintains. "The copy will be extremely good and so a
nonalerted person could be tricked by this," Mr. Bruggemann said.

He added that the technology is liable to entice the innocent into crime.
Mr. Bruggemann said he worries that "a young student, expert with
computers, might start out of curiosity and then find a financial interest
in producing fake notes."

The authorities are not sitting idly by. Europol is fashioning agreements
to share intelligence with East European countries that are candidates for
EU admission. The European Central Bank and Europol also will work
together. The ECB will collect forgeries from central banks in the region
and study them at its Counterfeit Analysis Center. Several times a day, the
ECB will download its findings to the Europol's Counterfeit Euro Database.

Nine full-time Europol police officers will comb through the findings,

hoping to tell which fakes are local operations and which belong to wide
cross-border distribution efforts. The system goes live on Jan. 1.

But Russia and other countries that are not candidates for EU admission
will not have operational agreements with Europol by E-Day, Europol admits.

Money laundering ahead of the currency launch is well under way, experts
say - and may be partly responsible for the euro's sagging exchange rate.
The experts say that organized crime syndicates are getting a jump on
laundering their hoards of cash to escape possible tighter scrutiny later.

Hans-Werner Sinn, president of the Munich-based IFO economics research
institute, says criminals across Europe already have begun to swap mark
cash into dollars to avoid having to report "black money" during the
changeover. The volumes have created enough demand for dollars that this
has helped depress the euro rate, Mr. Sinn said.

But the early transactions may be an unnecessary precaution on the part of
the criminals.

"The fear is that the difficulty of detecting the laundering of euros will
mean most such activity could go unreported, further encouraging criminals
to take advantage of the opportunity that the single currency provides,"
Mr. Tantam said. "What will be a suspicious transaction when everyone is
changing money?"

While these clandestine activities may swamp law enforcement, street cops
face a more dangerous and overt type of crime. As E-day comes, retailers
will have to stock unusually large amounts of cash to service customers in
two currencies. Despite protests from retailing groups and the European
Parliament, the ECB is refusing to introduce the notes until Jan. 1 - and
not a day earlier - mainly to deter counterfeiters. Increasingly, officers
will be on alert for stagecoach-style robberies of cash transporters.
France will deploy thousands of police officers, paramilitary guards and

The changeover, said Europol's Mr. Bruggemann, is "the biggest police
operation in Europe's history."

The 12-nation central bank is waiting until Aug. 30 to begin a massive
public relations campaign to educate EU citizens on the euro's security
features, including the shiny holograms, the foil stripes, special threads,
microprinting, special inks and watermarks. Europeans now have only an
incomplete idea of the appearance of new notes and coins. Posters and
brochures have kept the details and security elements deliberately
indistinct and grainy. Public disclosure of security features has also been
delayed for as long as possible.

"People generally are not fully aware of the security features in their
national currencies," Mr. Porter said. "The counterfeiter does not have to
reproduce a perfect replica of the genuine note. There is no point in that."

The disappearance of the hologram printing plate from Air France Flight
2522 jolted the EU into a higher level of security for the currency. The
setback compromised the initial design of a key security feature for the
notes. But the European Central Bank has since called for a redesign of the
hologram. All sensitive euro-related deliveries now travel under tight
security, which includes escorts. The banknote printing specifications are
guarded under maximum safety conditions at the central bank.

Referring to the approaching E-day, Europol's Mr. Porter conceded dryly,
"It will be an exciting time to be a cop."

This is the second in a series of occasional articles about the Jan. 1
introduction of euro banknotes and coins.

 Copyright © 2001 The International Herald Tribune

R. A. Hettinga <mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
The Internet Bearer Underwriting Corporation <http://www.ibuc.com/>
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