I've read several messages regarding ideas for the payment interface and
such and some ideas are good and others are... well, not so good.

I figured I would take a shot at a small idea that we here have been
tossing around. It's a simple idea with little complication. Constructive
critisism is welcomed.

Ok, when a new account holder creates an account via the referral link of
an existing account holder, that existing account holder is sent the
notice of new account/progeny with their account number and name. This
account name is easily changed and kinda useless as information related to
the new progeny.

How about implementing a feature accessible from within one's account that
would allow contact between the account holder and their progeny, OR,
possibly a simple list of email addresses associated with the progeny.

I understand that this feature could get abused, what isn't abused
now-a-days. Although, we feel that some people that activate new accounts
are not fully aware of the availability of merchants and such that accept
e-gold for payment. The merchant list here at e-gold isn't everyone, there
are many more merchants out there.

I guess this is kind of a bias request on my part seeing as we operate a
search engine with emphasis towards eCurrencies, mainly e-gold. I simply
would like to contact (what little) progeny account holders we have.

If this is a violation of e-gold privacy policies, please forgive my

Thanks guys.



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