I will be capturing History Channel's Gold! program
on TiVo Tuesday.

I could dub copies for, oh, say, 1.5 grams e-gold
including US postage.  For you furrin'ers, I don't
know what the shipping would be, but how about 1
gram plus whatever the postage costs.  I sent some
photos to Japan a while back, and it wasn't cheap!

FWIW, it appears that the show is mostly about the
wars and other conflicts resulting from gold (or
probably more precisely, greed).  I could give a
brief review if anybody is interested.

I don't have top-of-the-line video equipment, but
since the source is TiVo, the quality should be
better than a VHS-to-VHS copy.  We'll see, I guess.


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than many countries? See http://www.gold.org/Gra/Gra1.htm and the
e-gold Examiner at http://www.e-gold.com/examiner.html for details.

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