> The actual theory is that BAD money chases good money, *out of

Actually, Todd Gresham's Law only happens in countries with legal tender
laws.  Bad money drives out good when the government forces an exchange of
debased money for good money.  People hide all the good money and the
government gets whatever doesn't get tucked away fast enough.
Since the government cannot take digital gold off the market like it can
with gold coins in circulation, fiat money cannot drive out digital gold.

To read an absolutely fascinating article on this subject click here:

In a free market, good money drives out bad.  The economist Doug Noland
actually proved this in his doctoral dissertation.

That's why the dollar has become the international savings and commerce
currency of choice.  The dollar has had a higher staying value than the
currencies of most countries.  It is natural that digital gold will
eventually replace the dollar in that funtion in international commerce.  It
is like gravity.  It will happen, just give it time.

If digital gold is better money then merchants will give a discount to
customers who pay in gold, because they prefer the better money.

While it is true that presently people who accept payment in digital gold
quickly convert it to fiat money, eventually people will want to convert
their fiat currencies to digital gold.  It may be a decade or two before
that inflection point is reached, though.

Use dollars to pay your taxes.  That's all legal tender is good for.


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Did you know that e-gold Ltd. stores more gold on behalf of customers
than many countries? See http://www.gold.org/Gra/Gra1.htm and the
e-gold Examiner at http://www.e-gold.com/examiner.html for details.

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