> does anyone accept e-gold for hansabux?
> David

Just out of interest, David, what are hansabux?


Hansa Bank & Trust Company Limited
The Hansa Bank Building, Box 213
Landsome Road, The Valley, Anguilla, B.W.I., TV1 02P
Phone (264) 497-3800, Fax 497-3801, email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

March 16, 2001

Recent Intertrader and Systemics alliance brings forth digital dollar from
Hansa Bank

Edinburgh (UK), Anguilla (British West Indies), 15th March 2001:

Rachel Willmer, CEO of Intertrader Ltd (Edinburgh, UK), today became the
first purchaser of the new digital dollar issued by Hansa Bank (Anguilla,
British West Indies). Hansa Bank is the only offshore bank in Anguilla, a
noted centre for financial cryptography. Hansa has been a consistent
supporter of the conferences of the same name, held annually in the
Caribbean. Lynwood Bell went on to say: "This represents an important step
forward in the field of online payments. Hansa Bank and Hansa.net Global
Commerce, Inc. are dedicated to incubating and accelerating technology in
new microfinance and digital trading fields. Having digital dollars will add
an important trading facility in many B2B applications."

Rachel Willmer, CEO of Intertrader (Edinburgh, UK), said "I am delighted
that the 'Hansa Bank dollar' is now a reality. The CashBox suite of
supported payment instruments will soon be enlarged to offer the dollar and
other Ricardian contracts, alongside Mondex and e-gold, to enable easy usage
of digital dollars in the online retail sector."

Ian Grigg, CEO of Systemics, added: "Anguilla is a 'technology campus' for
innovations like ours. We needed to meld our governance model into that of a
forward thinking bank. We could only have done that with an institution like
Hansa who already model themselves on the evolving Internet economy."

The three companies involved all recognise that building the new economy is
about partnering. "It's a mistake to think you can build a financial system
with just one company, or even an alliance of similar companies. Before we
can build in the reliability needed to eliminate risk, we must have an
interlocking network of diverse institutions, working together in separate
roles, but all separately owned and governed" said Ian Grigg.

For more information, please contact :

Lynwood S. Bell
Hansa Bank and Hansa Global Commerce, Inc.
Tel: +1 (264) 497-3800
Fax: +1 (264) 497-3801

Ian Grigg
Systemics Inc

Rachel Willmer
Intertrader Ltd
5 John's Place
Edinburgh EH6 7EW
Tel: +44 (0) 131 553 0380
Fax: +44 (0) 131 553 0381
Web: http://www.intertrader.com

about Hansa Bank

Hansa Bank & Trust Company Limited was founded in 1984. Its technology
incubator/accelerator, Hansa.net Global Commerce, Inc. became publicly
traded in 1985 and focuses in the areas of e-commerce location optimization,
international trade technology and the marketing of Internet technologies.
Hansa.net and Hansa Bank are part of the Span-Hansa Group comprised of ten
organizations doing business in as many international locations. The Group's
operations also include financing intellectual property, public stock
offerings, acquisitions and mergers, and international marketing.
Information on the Span-Hansa Group and other strategic partners can be
found on the Company's Internet home page http://www.hansa.net

about Intertrader Ltd

Intertrader is a technology company specialising in e-payments middleware
and applications. Its flagship product is the Intertrader CashBox payment
management system.

Intertrader have recently released Version 2 of the Intertrader CashBox,
which delivers a complete value acquisition solution for payment service
providers wishing to acquire Mondex and E-gold value. Version 1 of the
CashBox system was used by Bank of Scotland in 1999 in a successful pilot of
a pay-for-use Internet-access system.

Intertrader recently announced a strategic alliance with Systemics for joint
marketing of their combined systems worldwide. The integration of Systemics'
Ricardo financial trading products with Intertrader's CashBox payment
management system provides a complete solution for companies wishing to
issue financial instruments such as currencies, bonds or shares.

As a result of this alliance, Intertrader will implement support for
Systemics SOX protocol within the Intertrader CashBox system to enable full
integration with the Ricardo currency issuer and trading market products and
will develop an online exchange application to manage the transfer of value
between SOX-enabled currencies and others supported by the CashBox
system.>p> Based in Edinburgh, UK, Intertrader was founded in 1995 by Rachel
Willmer, the CEO. Intertrader has been recognised as a pioneer in the field
of e-payments, numbering amongst its customers Mondex International,
Beenz.com and Bank of Scotland. In 1998, it was chosen for the 1998 Scottish
Foresight award from the UK Department of Trade and Industry for its
"exceptional vision in developing and applying new technology and opening
new market opportunities".

Intertrader is a founder sponsor of EFCE, the premier conference for
practical financial cryptography engineering.

For more information about Intertrader, please contact:

Rachel Willmer, CEO

about Systemics Inc

Systemics Inc is a technology company specialising in e-payments and
financial cryptography. Its flagship product range is the Ricardo group of
financial cryptography products, which allows for online assets to be
created and traded, either directly or on a market.

- the Ricardo Issuance Server, a platform for issuing online currencies,
shares, bonds and other financial instruments.

- the Ricardo Exchange Server, a platform for delivering RTGS (T+0) trades
across the Internet.

- SOX, a protocol for reliable payments and trade instructions designed for
Internet trading.

The Ricardo architecture was originally designed in 1995-1996 and was
launched into live usage with the creation of the DigiGold currency, issued
by DigiGold Ltd in 1999. (See http://www.digigold.net for more details).
This new currency issue represents the first dollar-denominated Ricardo

Systemics was instrumental in creating the Cryptix Development Team , a
group producing the popular open source strong crypto package for Java.
Systemics is currently forming a new open source group based around the
WebFunds application, a Java client for accessing payments and trading on
the net via the Ricardo servers.

Systemics is a founder sponsor of EFCE, the premier conference for practical
financial cryptography engineering.

For more information about Systemics, please contact:
Ian Grigg, CEO

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Did you know that e-gold Ltd. stores more gold on behalf of customers
than many countries? See http://www.gold.org/Gra/Gra1.htm and the
e-gold Examiner at http://www.e-gold.com/examiner.html for details.

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